Thursday, April 30, 2009

Time-Outs & Alzheimers

Wow, it's been almost three months since I've put up anything new. No wonder all of my old journals skip about every 2 -6 months. Well, I am human. Really nothing too interesting has happened, we're just chugging along in our routine. However, with today, came a story that I just loved too much to not share.

Jake and I got home from work at the same time, though I had left early as my allergies are finally acting up and I felt like a train wreck. Anyway, on the way home Jake asked if hamburgers sounded good for lunch. I said yes, so he stopped by the store and grabbed a few things while on his way home. So we get in the door, put down our things and just begin to get settled when Jake brings up the fact that "I swear I bought a loaf of bread when I went to Harvey's the other day."

"You did, you set it on the counter." I replied. I truly only remembered this because I thought it odd that he had set it on the counter, instead of on top of the microwave, where we keep our bread.

However, we quickly realized it wasn't in either spot. A search ensued. Every possible cabinet was checked, the fridge, the freezer, the top of the fridge, I even went to the lengths of checking the oven. My reasoning being that if a loaf of bread could grow legs, surely it could hide in the oven.....maybe?

We gave up our search and Jake went into the computer room before getting into the shower, but he came back out of the room with a treasure! Sure enough, there was a torn open bag of bread that was already missing at least 3/4 of the load. He handed it to me, as I am the one who seems to discipline our hairy child (dog) the most. I was very calm though, it was too cute to yell at the dog who instantly sank to the ground, belly as low as it could, the second the bag touched Mommy's hands. (He knows what's coming, or so he thinks he does). So I ask the typical question, "What is this?" and hold the bag out to the low-lying dog. Bryce proceeded to sulkily turn away from me in a complete 180-turn and lay down, as if to ignore me. We couldn't hold back the snickers as I could easily imagine him putting his "hands" over his ears and pulling the "La-la-la, I can't hear you" trick.

Again I asked, "Bryce, I know you can hear me, what is this?" The criminal slowly turns back around to face me, sitting up with puppy-dog eyes. Too bad for him, I am not a sucker for this maneuver. I figured I'd turn up the heat a little, pulled out a piece of bread and asked "Do you want some?" His cute little ears came up, the tail wagged slightly and he sniffed it. "I dare you to take a bite," I coaxed. Bryce seemed to catch on as a little light bulb went off in his head, saying 'It's a trick, don't do it!' Thankfully, for him, he listened to that voice. Instead he got sentenced to the backyard for a "time-out", though it was needed for Mommy to breathe too. His time-out area seems so much nicer than mine ever did growing up.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009


First I must apologize for not posting anything new as of late. I could blame it on being busy, which is, somewhat true. But mostly I got lazy and procrastinated. I think that's a disease that runs in my family at times. lol. Yes Dad, I know, you're a "pro" at procrastinating...*sigh*.

So, I guess I should take a few minutes this wonderful rainy Thursday (hey, I was born on a rainy Thursday!) to catch everyone up with all the exciting stuff going in our lives at the moment. We finally got all our furniture, the house isn't quite done yet, but it looks MUCH better, especially as my books finally have homes. I think this is a first, lol. I'm also extremely fond of the fact that we finally can play online on our separate Xbox 360s, together, and not have poor Jake set up on the kitchen table. Talk about driving me nuts, lol. Not that we use the table much.... well not to eat at, it's very good at holding up all our mail :)

Jake had signed earlier this month to move into a different department at work, which would not only increase his pay rate, but he would be working with the sugars and creamers, and not smell like nasty, yucky coffee everyday. Unfortunately, he didn't pass the last part of the test, so we were pretty bummed. We just have to keep reminding ourselves that it just means there is something better around the corner. As for me at work, I'm still slaving away at GameStop, hating my wonderful ghetto surroundings at that store. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy what I do, but I'd prefer a different area. Oh well. The good news is, after taking 20 years to choose, I believe I have decided what I want to be when I "grow up". I'm hoping we can start setting some money aside to pay for the online classes I would need, to become a certified wedding planner!
I'll take donations as well, hahaha! Honestly though, I truly feel this is something I would excel at, after already helping plan my own wedding, and now I am a bridesmaid in two more!

Speaking of those two weddings, Jamaica itself got canceled for Nick and Debbie, who have decided to get married July 11, here in Camden County. The second, well really the first, time wise, is my sister-in-law Traci's. Apparently Zack actually proposed last night, though I have yet to know the details, however we've been doing some major planning for about the past two weeks or so. We all knew it was coming, and am so happy for both couples! Looks like we started a trend with our wedding, lol. Your turn is coming Vicky, hahaha. You're the only one left from our wedding party, but we'll give you time don't worry! :)

That's pretty much it of everything new around here, hope the close of this first month of 2009 finds everyone well! We love you all, and God bless!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

It's a few days late but I've been spending most my time in bed with a cold of sorts. Thankfully Jake barely had any of it. However we did have a nice New Years. We went over to Jake's parents, with the request from his mom, that we bring Rock Band 2, which was our Christmas present to ourselves. Of course, we couldn't pass up the opportunity of watching his mom play a video game, so we took it. We spent about two hours with Jake on drums, Zack on the bass, Pam on vocals and me on the guitar. Kylie wanted to play as well, as we'd let her bang on the drums and "rock out" while we were all eating. Unfortunately, my camera broke so now I can't even take pictures to post up.

With the new year came some exciting news. Nick, who was our best man proposed to his girlfriend, Debbie, who was one of my bridesmaids. So now both Jake and I have been asked to be in their wedding which will be in June JAMAICA! Needless to say, we're going to be setting up a much needed savings account!

Our house is also quickly beginning to feel much more like home as I've had more time to unpack while sick, and we were finally able to get more furniture so everything had a place. We're still waiting on Jake's desk to be shipped, but then our last room of messiness should be complete and I cannot wait. I'm trying to be really good about not being a pack-rat and trying to get much more organized as well. So far, so good.

Well, we hope the beginning of 2009 finds everyone in good health and happiness. This new year has so much to offer, we wish everyone the best,send our love, and God bless!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas everyone!

We are slowly getting settled in our new place, as soon as it looks presentable, I'll post pictures of the whole thing, but for now I wanted to share our own little corner of Christmas with everyone. Please forgive the quality on the videos, as they were taken with my phone, we have yet to get a nice camcorder.

And last but not least, just for your entertainment, because we definitely enjoyed it...

The Many Personalities of Jake & Bryce! Starring...Jake & Bryce!

Friday, November 28, 2008

New Address

That's right, we finally got a place! We'll be renting a nice 2 bedroom, 2 bath duplex, which I hope to have pictures of, posted within the next few weeks. But for those interested in our address, it's:

406 Admirals Walk Dr
St. Marys, GA 31558

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wedding Professionals

Alright, I finally figured out how to use this dumb thing properly! So, I took off the bazillion slideshows of wedding pictures from our photographer. Instead, I figured I'd give everyone the links to each album and then stream in a slideshow some of our personal favorites. Hope you all enjoy them, we sure do!

Getting Ready




